The book launch for my debut story collection was a Literary Circus, complete with ringmaster, SideShows, dinner, singalongs, a strolling accordion and an Emmy-award winning Emcee...
And of course the debut of my new translation of Kafka's Hunger Artist & a thrilling interview by Victor LaValle... which is a lot like voluntarily putting your head into a literary lion's mouth.
I'm an excellent host but also a terrific guest...
M. M. De Voe has hosted dozens of literary events in NYC and across the country.
Click the link above to see the sold-out Literary Circus Dinner Party she created to launch her collection of Short Stories
This YouTube link brings you to the archive of her online interviews of more than 300 famous authors at the Pen Parentis Literary Salons - luminaries like Min Jin Lee, Victor LaValle and Kelly Link, Mat Johnson, Ching-in Chen, and David Gerrold.
I read in Brooklyn!

Love this LONG & DEEP
Author Interview
recorded June 2021 - ONLINE
ONLINE (click purple button to watch the replay)
Sensitive Rebel Podcast - ​episode TSR012:
M M De Voe on Curiosity, Mistakes,
and How to Write a Book while Being a Parent
This fantastic interview is worth 1 hour and 7 minutes of your day! Steve McCready interviewed MM on her past, her present and her future.
Lively and full of really cool ideas!
You are also invited...
March - June 2021 - ONLINE
Here's what MM's up to these days:​​
January 25, 2025 - Let's talk Coincidences! The Lithuanian American Association of New York hosts M. M. De Voe and Paul Juskunas, two writers born in Texas with Lithuanian heritage who spent a lot of time in Baltimore. They met for the first time in 2021 in Vilnius Lithuania, sitting next to each other at a writing conference. Event is held in English but questions can be posed in Lithuanian.
Reading from Poetry Downtown "The Raven" and A Flash of Darkness in Baltimore, MD at Protean Books & Records, Sept 29, 2024
Reading from Poetry Downtown "The Raven" and A Flash of Darkness in the Edgar Allen Poe Cottage in the Bronx on Sept 28, 2024.
co-hosted (with Meg Lemke) a Brooklyn Book Festival reading with Amy Shearn, Helen Phillips, Liana Finck, LaToya Jordan, Nicole Haroutunian, and Clare Maurer Sept 27, 2024
Canvas Rebel interview online
Appeared on Nebula Conference panel with R S Garcia, Ava Kelly, Lydia Hawks and Barbara Krasnoff June 8, 2024
Reading at Brooklyn Books & Booze May 21, 2024 with Christina Cooke, Matthew Kressel & Nicholas Kaufmann
Reading in Cleveland, OH on August 9, 2023
Reading to benefit PEN PARENTIS with Cheryl J Fish at "Downtown" a benefit reception honoring the resiliency of Lower Manhattan hosted by Society for Arts & Literature in the Wall Street area of NYC. September 11, 2021 7pm. Click here for tickets.
"Walk with me" series of articles on Medium - click here to read
Interview on "Bookish" with Andrew Cotto - aired June 2021
Interview on "Life Lines the Books" with Marina Aris - date TBA
June 21, 2021 Winter Solstice Creativity Spa - for the writers of Scribente Maternum - another rejuvenating Creativity Spa led by M. M. De Voe. Open to any mom who wants to reconnect to the creative person she was before kids.
No playback, but what fun it was to talk to High School & Middle School kids about writing on Career Day June 22, 2021 - audience of 250 kids. Anyone who wants me to speak at a high school can contact me and I will happily participate! Best event ever, they were so enthusiastic.So many young writers out there desperate for knowledge!
Previously recorded, now available as playback:​
June 9, 2021 - Sensitive Rebel Podcast - interviewed by Steve McCready (unlike any book interview you've seen)
May 18, 2021 Writer's Corner Live Show Watch the replay here.This international author interview show is co-hosted by Mary Jackson & Bridgetti Lim Banda from the Midwest & South Africa, respectively. Topic: how to kick chaos to the curb!
Intimate Q&A with members of the Author's Guild on May 4th (Star Wars Day!) - sorry it was a one-time only live event. No playback available.
Since 2018, the show “Between the Covers” has broadcasted live to 90 countries worldwide. The episode "Taking Charge of Life" featured MM on April 28th 2021
Interviewed by Jen Hyde of NapChat podcast - air date TBA