Nonfiction Articles
All of the underlined texts will take you to the link. If you find a broken link, drop me a line!
**NEW** "Gabriel Garcia Marquez Didn't Have to do Laundry" - Women on Writing, Q2, 2024 (prize winning)
"Ask a Mutha: Rituals and Hopes for the New Year," Mutha Magazine, Dec 15, 2022, website
You Know How Americans Are," Mutha Magazine, March 15, 2022, website
"Pen Names and How They Can Kill you," Nameberry, 2021, website.
"How to Breed Little Bookworms," Moms Don't have Time To Write, Medium, June 2, 2021, website
"Read This if you have Kids" Vocal Media Journal, March 19. 2021, website.
"Lemon Chicken Rice Soup for the Soul" MER VOX Quarterly, Winter 2020, website.
"On Belonging," Vilnius Review, April 2019, website.
"J.F. Will Never Read This," Bridges Lithuanian American News Journal. October 2016, pp. 3-7.
"You Can't Handle the Truth," Brain-Picking Guest Blog, Becky Fine-Firesheets. January 20, 2017.
"My Art Story," National Endowment for the Arts website, 2015.
"A Letter to Peace," Tiny Owl Workshop (blog; anthology forthcoming), Nov. 17, 2015.
"The Demons of Time Management," Brain/Child Magazine, Vol. 19, iss 2, Spring 2014.
Kidville: Voices from the Ville (blog), April 7, 2013 - present.
"The Happiest Farmer," Fathermucker (blog), September 7, 2011.
“Plague Mice,” Mississippi Review, Fall 2005.
“Meeting Crowe,” Silence of the City (Debut), Fall 2005.
“Writer provides advice for life after Notre Dame,” Columns, April 18, 2002.
“Actor War Stories,” Ross Reports Television and Film, Fall 2000.
“The Show Must Go On: American Theater in Klaipeda,” Lithuanian Heritage Magazine, Sept/Oct 1999.
“Playing Heidi,” Today, Spring, 1995.

Photo by Luba G