Articles, Interviews and Podcasts featuring M. M. DeVoe.

NEW My favorite online interview so far! We talked about productivity, parenthood, Book & Baby and even about A FLASH OF DARKNESS. "Productivity and Parenting" with Estelle Erasmus. Watch it here!
Fantastically fun min-interview (print) by Tommy Dean, writer and editor of supremely effective Flash Fiction.
Lovely interview in Tower Talk, the alumni magazine of Notre Dame University of Maryland, .July 2022.
The second Lithuanian Writers of the Diaspora Forum was from July 26-28, 2022 and there is a LOT of Lithuanian press here is an article from Canada and there was one in Italy and several in Lithuania itself. 16 countries were represented at the forum. Lithuanian national TV also covered the event.
Terrific 30 minute interview about productivity and BOOK & BABY on the Postpartum Production Podcast, interviewed by Kaitlin Solimine Click here to listen to Episode 9.
Gorgeous profile of Pen Parentis (read time ~6 min) in Splash Magazine Chicago: "Offering Community and Support to Writers who Parent," MM is quoted, explains how Pen Parentis helps writers manage life with kids and writing. Photos with Jennifer Egan, Darin Strauss, Abby Sher, Lev Grossman, and Kelly Link. November 4, 2021
Steve McCready interviews MM on his hourlong podcast "The Sensitive Rebel": episode 12 "Milda De Voe on Curiosity, Mistakes, and How to Write a Book While Being a Parent". Intense, personal, wonderful. Aired in June 2021. Click here to listen.
Outstanding piece (read time ~10 min) in Mutha Magazine: "Figuring It Out As You Go Along," MM is interviewed by bestselling author Domenica Ruta about life with kids and writing. Possibly the most insightful and honest interview of MM in print. April 29, 2021
Between the Covers TV show livecast - with authors Ali Skylar and Sydnie Beaupré. Aired on April 28, 2021. Link leads to YouTube video.
Interviewed by the glamorous Marina Aris on the Hybrid Publishing Podcast. Air Date TBA.
Interviewed by Stephanie Larkin on her One And Future Author Podcast - we dissolved into hilarity more than once. Lots of zingers! First part very personal, middle part from around 10:00 we discuss writers and writing and editors, agents, translation, around 35:00 it is all about resources for writer-parents in general, with tricks and tips. March 2021.
Interview on Forward Females about founding Pen Parentis and keeping writing mojo going.
Interviewed on the Brooklyn Writers Project podcast, Life Lines the Books.
MM is quoted in this human interest piece about noise during the Covid-19 quarantine from WNYC's (NPR) Morning Edition reprinted in the Gothamist. Here is the original news story (audio).
Glowing article in LitHub about MM's work with Pen Parentis on the ten-year anniversary of her founding of the nonprofit.
Here's a wonderful interview on the National Library of Lithuania's blog. Warning: it is in Lithuanian. It is also reprinted with photo of MM on a well-known Lithuanian website here.
The National Library of Lithuania blog announcing the Lithuanian Writers of the Diaspora Forum (MM is in the photo in a brown jacket) See it here.
Fun interview with MM about the future of horror for the Women in Horror feature of the Thinking Horror Journal.
Inspiring interview with MM on Life Lines the Books podcast​
Interview on About.com about fiction writing, how to balance parenting and writing, and Pen Parentis Literary Salons
Mentioned by name in the New York Times in Spare Times which recommended the Pen Parentis literary salons (okay that's not really "press" but it was the first time the name M. M. De Voe appeared in the Grey Lady's pages!)
Here's an article about Pen Parentis which appeared in three publications simultaneously - Downtown Express and The Villager.
"Writer, Interrupted," profile in Columbia Magazine, winter 2011-2012.
February 6, 2010 Interview in Tribeca Citizen about Pen Parentis work​